王旭 副教授博导



上海市四平路1239号 bet356体育登录入口 声学馆202室

教育经历:2009-8至2012-8, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 声学, 博士
2006-9至2009-3, 南京大学, 声学, 硕士
2002-9至2006-7, 南京大学, 声学, 学士

工作经历:2017/12 - , bet356体育登录入口, 声学研究所, 副教授
2013/07 - 2017/12, bet356体育登录入口, 声学研究所, 讲师
2012/08 - 2013/06,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,屋宇设备工程学系, Research Associate












Theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations on low-frequency board-band noise control in ventilation systems based on periodic and quasi-periodic Helmholtz resonators arrayResearch Grants Council of Hong Kong共同主持






  1. Z. Zhou, B. Jia, N. Wang, X. Wang*, Y. Li*, Observation of Perfectly-Chiral Exceptional Point via Bound State in the Continuum, Physical Review Letters 130, 116101 (2023).

  2. (Editors' Suggestion) Y. Zhu, R. Dong, D. Mao*, X. Wang*, Y. Li*, Nonlocal Ventilating Metasurfaces, Physical Review Applied 19, 014067 (2023).

  3. X. Fang, N. Gerard, Z. Zhou, H. Ding, N. Wang, B. Jia, Y. Deng, X. Wang*, Y. Jing*, and Y. Li*, Observation of higher-order exceptional points in a non-local acoustic metagrating, Communication Physics 4, 271(2021).

  4. R. Dong, D. Mao, Y. Zhu, F. Mo, X. Wang* and Y. Li*, A ventilating acoustic barrier for attenuating broadband diffuse sound, Applied Physics Letters119, 263505 (2021).

  5. (Review) R. Dong, M. Sun, F. Mo, D. Mao, X. Wang*, and Y. Li*, Recent advances in acoustic ventilation barriers, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 403002 (2021).

  6. R. Dong, D. Mao, X. Wang*, and Y. Li*, Ultrabroadband Acoustic Ventilation Barriers via Hybrid-Functional Metasurfaces, Physical Review Applied 15, 024044 (2021).

  7. S. Huang, T. Liu, Z. Zhou, X. Wang*, J. Zhu*, and Y. Li*, Extreme sound confinement from quasibound states in the continuum, Physical Review Applied 14, 021001 (2020).

  8. M. Sun, X. Fang, D. Mao*, X. Wang*, and Y. Li*, Broadband acoustic ventilation barriers, Physical Review Applied 13, 044028 (2020).

  9. S. Huang, Z. Zhou, D. Li, T. Liu, X. Wang*, J. Zhu* and Y. Li*, Compact broadband acoustic sink with coherently coupled weak resonances, Science Bulletin 65, 373-379 (2020).

  10. X. Wang, X. Fang, D. Mao, Y. Jing*, and Y. Li*, Extremely asymmetrical acoustic metasurface mirror at the exceptional point, Physical Review Letters 123, 214302 (2019).

  11. X. Fang, X. Wang*, and Y. Li*, Acoustic splitting and bending with compact coding metasurfaces, Physical Review Applied 11, 064033 (2019).

  12. Y. Xiao, H. Lai, Q. Li, XN. Wang, and X. Wang*, Improved interference-type sound barriers: Use of hyperbolic phase modulation, Applied Acoustics 161, 107186 (2020).

  13. W. Zhao, Z. X. Jiang, X. Wang*, and D. Mao*, Characteristics of fine-scale turbulence noise evaluated by modal analysis, Applied Acoustics, 160, 107145 (2020).

  14. X. Wang, W. Yu, Z. Jiang, X. Wang*, and D. Mao*, Acoustic gradient surfaces and gradient-index surfaces: Principles and applications on noise control, Applied Acoustics 143, 151-156 (2019).

  15. S. J. Qiu, S. Li, X. Wang*, and D. Mao*, Enhanced transmission loss through lattice-supported micro-membranes, Applied Acoustics 153, 127-131 (2019).

  16. S. B. Huang, X. S. Fang, X. Wang, B. Assouar, Q. Cheng*, and Y. Li*, Acoustic perfect absorbers via spiral metasurfaces with embedded apertures, Applied Physics Letter 113, 233501 (2018).

  17. S. Li D. Mao*, S. Huang, X. Wang*Enhanced transmission loss in acoustic materials with micro-membranes, Applied Acoustics 130, 92-98(2017).

  18. S. HuangS. Li, X. Wang*Dongxing Mao*Micro-perforated absorbers with incompletely partitioned cavitiesApplied Acoustics 126, 114-119(2017).

  19. X. Wang, W. Yu, X. Zhu, Z. Jiang, and D. Mao*, Effects of ceiling phase gradients on the acoustic environment on roadside balconies, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141, EL146-EL152 (2017).

  20. X. Wang, D. Mao*, and Y. Li*, Broadband acoustic skin cloak based on spiral metasurfaces, Scientific Reports 7, 11604(2017).

  21. X. Wang, XN. Wang, W. Yu, Z. Jiang, and D. Mao*, Acoustic performance of boundaries having constant phase gradient, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140, EL7-EL13 (2016).

  22. X. Wang, XN. Wang, W. Yu, Z. Jiang, and D. Mao*, A theoretical model of barriers having inhomogeneous impedance surfaces, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139, EL63-69(2016).

  23. W. Yu, X. Wang, R. Wu, J. Yu, Z. Jiang*, D. Mao, Wave propagation in a waveguide with continuous right-angled corners: Numerical simulations and experiment measurements, Applied Acoustics 104, 6-15 (2016).

  24. X. Wang, D. Mao*, W. Yu, and Z. Jiang, Sound barriers from materials of inhomogeneous impedance, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137, 1-8 (2015).

  25. X. Wang, D Mao*, W. Yu, and Z. Jiang, Acoustic performance of balconies having inhomogeneous ceiling surfaces on a roadside building facade, Building and Environment 93, 1-8 (2015).

  26. X. Wang and C.M. Mak*, Disorder in a periodic Helmholtz resonators array, Applied Acoustics 82: 1-5(2014).

  27. C.M. Mak*, X Wang and Z. Ai, Prediction of flow noise from in-duct spoilers using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Applied Acoustics 76, 386-390(2014).

  28. X. Wang and C.M. Mak*Acoustic performance of a duct loaded with identical resonatorsJournal of the Acoustical Society of America 131, EL316-EL322(2012).

  29. X. Wang and C.M. Mak*, Wave propagation in a duct with a periodic Helmholtz resonators array, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131, 1172~1182(2012).